When Contra Costa Narcotics Commander Wielsch was arrested with Chris Butler(PI) in the Dirty DUI Scandal the first clues surfaced about what I've endured. My CNET related litigation would have revealed CNET in 2004 but I couldn't get my attorney to bring suit. It dragged on until late 2005 until the attorney was beaten - case closed. All of this precedes the PG&E and Kinder Morgan Fire.
Please see Informed Parties Timeline.
See Attorney Sage Sepahi Beaten - Walnut Creek.
It runs the gamut of tactics used on litigation in Contra Costa County but some cases are well over 20 years old. One critical case to my argument is currently buried by Pleasant Hill Police stems from an arson/murder, a murder plus the arson of a chemical shed once known as the Cabbage Patch in Pleasant Hill CA. Which is currently known as the Cabbage Patch Farm.
PGE Investigator - why did this take 2 years?
Domestic Terrorism - The Real Agenda
The Lafayette accident was clearly a deliberate attempt to kill me but please read the letters to Lafayette PD and City Council
The laptop was in the custody of Hillside Covenant Church members but just two days before the accident Keith Lynds (Youth Director) messaged me via Facebook with near clairvoyant accuracy as exactly where my Facebook account had been hacked.
How did know because he and other Hillside Covenant Church coerced my minor son who took over managing my social media. Then after the accident Captain Schultz attempts like Lt. Hill and Sgt. Burns attempt to arrest me with veiled allegations with hands on their guns or damn close to them. Officer Vesser ticketed me front plate Judge Golub turned that into an 1,800 fine. I remember that day where nearly five officers arrived, two from behind me with hands on their guns.
In 2008 Walnut Creek Police announced a break in a case using FBI voodoo science but they weren't expecting my information would surface to derail their charade. They're going to ruin former Mayor Newsome's political career and that of many others as thy are lying but the liars no longer have access to the files.
The CNET Connections from San Francisco East Bay to San Bruno CA
The Benny Chetcuti Ponzi Scheme 1996 to 2012, over 100 creditors, many elderly, many have died with many from Rossmoor - how did happen? I know because it happened to me.
CNET Connection to Benny Chetcuti to San Bruno CA
Relevant Timeline
May 2011 - PG&E Documents placed on Bennett's Laptop
May 2011 - Bennett assigned to meet in Concord, Newman and Modesto
May 2011 - Tracy CA - Hit and Run by tail from PG&E Modesto (PG&E informed July 2011)
June 2011- Meeting at Wiget Lane
July 2011 Lafayette CA - Hit and Run
When my car was totaled in Lafayette CA (July 2011) this was vehicle seven since 2003 and that it was improbable as on my returns from PG&E Modesto this same vehicle was targeted but it took me over two years of digging to figure out that PG&E has an internal problem which nearly got me killed more than once since first meeting a PG&E High Performance Engineer whose name I won't mention as I've concluded he's a victim. His job could have easily involved him in the San Bruno Fire
Sept 2010 Pipeline Explosion
Glenview Blast Range .22 mile - should have wiped
out every house all the way to San Bruno Ave
Danville Stake Mormons
Especially to my former Mormon friends the wall of silence began to emerge but one of those Mormons litigated the TWA Flight 800 and my truck was parked next to his house in Mid-August as we were neighbors. That is when someone replaced my oil with accelerant which today I'm suspecting was Jet Fuel. In 2004

August 2004
Purchased July 2004
Towed WCPD 2009
Bennett Arson NB 680 Burst in Flames -
High Probability Jet Fuel
I tried to convince a CHP officer that my truck had been rigged for arson but he waived San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District trucks as even though he stated calls from clearly stated flames were shooting back over 100 feet it was OK to let me leave.
Bennett Arson NB 680
CHP/California Highway Patrol/Golden Gate Division Martinez/Vallejo
Years later no one could produce a shred of paperwork revealing that this fire had occurred. Three months later the Kinder-Morgan Fire in Walnut Creek five welders where burned alive when a pipeline burst in 2004.

Game Changer?
Just another Contra Costa pipe bomb or International Terrorism?
The Hillgrade Ave event is a game changer. When a pipe bomb is discovered on the Iron Horse Trail everyone is relieved but apparently nobody noticed it was the Kinder Morgan Shut Off Valve but that happens to be 1/4 mile from a very important persons residence or or former residence. Undersecretary Ellen Tauscher WikiBio. Pleasanton CA: The ComputerLand Connection to Tauscher / Vanstar West Los Positas Pleasanton - Ms. Tauscher will remember me as the database programmer who figured that Computerland wasn't profitable. I'll leave it at that.
This persons house is far too close to the Kinder Morgan Valve and we're supposed to think this isn't just another CNET Coincidence?

Kinder Morgan Fire Nov 2004 Pipeline Explosion
In 2003 I purchased a cabinet shop, then Butler's
attacks began, then divorce papers, then
The overlaps of these connections cannot be ignored as the litigators are ready to sue Asiana but unwillingly to sue for my events?
Apparently my life isn't good enough for their attention.
The missing lawsuits
The estates of Eric Nunn and Craig Wilson have not brought suit as we just blame the pilot and call it a day?
When you talk to someone on Thursday at 9:00 PM then less than 48 hours later he's deceased via yet another plane crash.
Perhaps I'm one of the last living witnesses spanning thirty years where my businesses, personal and social network has allowed me to piece together a long untold story.