Richard Lambert v. The United States Department of Justice
The untold AT&T Virus Story and 9/11This incident was largely ignored and/or overshadowed by 9/11 itself but this Trojan Horse type virus is considered by researchers that had it arrived on 9/11 with it's unique payload would have caused tremendous international disruption.
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NIMDA, ANTHRAX and Doc's Pharmacy
This building was where my grandparents lived for decades, my grandfather's death was right after before the Kennedy assassination. Much of the family history was stolen via a large police scandal involving the Contra Costa County Narcotics Task Force, and Contra Costa District Attorney investigators which resulted in removal from office.
The Suicide of the Diablo Cleaners

Early 2004 was the starting point of the end of my marriage but unknown to was in my future there was police corruption case. There were all kinds of the people never seen before, they created trouble, threatened my clients and some went on to destroy my cabinet shop, software business and take my life then claim the Prudential Life Universal Life Insurance, cash and inheritance.
My Client Sully -

Sully once attanded Community Presbytarian Church in Danville where we met where he heard I was building web databases. This was approximately late 2003 or early 2004. We met after service at the Waffle House.