Danville Motorcycle Unit rolled up on Bennett 2004 Arson and rode away

Not an Accident! 



By PETE BENNETT - Contra Costa Watch EMAIL
Phone: 510-460-5641



Fraud Warning: The CSAC Excess Insurance Authority (EIA)

In 2004, I attempted to sue cities represented under Joint Powers Authority - but I couldn't find an attorney anywhere to represent me which included be deflected by the Contra Costa Bar Association who pretty much refused to provide access to their extensive legal network.  

One warm summer afternoon during August 2004 my F-250 Ford Truck nearly explodes with me driving at over 90 mph and yes I was speeding and yes you blame me for that but it probably saved my life.  You didn't even read about as there is no public record because a Danville Motorcycle Unit told me it wasn't arson but three months later the Kinder Morgan Pipeline Explodes, then in September 2010 an entire neighborhood is leveled in San Bruno where officer Dave Chetcuti was killed whose nephew Benny Chetcuti Jr. is linked to CNET Scandal , then a FED/EX TRUCK ran into a school bus killing ten humans burning them alive just like five nurses on San Mateo Bridge, just like five immigrant field workers Immokalee FL, and when you look at the blacks being lynched in Lafayette and Concord CA you might arrive begin to formulate the sequence of events leading the how the Contra Costa County Sheriff has failed when they posted 925-313-2632 as a murder tip line but never answered it just like the east county murders going back decades.  We don't investigate so won't find the suspects.


Several months later a Gas Pipeline Exploded in Walnut Creek killing five but few know that the deaths of Alicia Driscoll, her daughter Jineva Driscoll, and key witness Ellen Sabudaquiria  

Contra Costa Murder Suicide Syndrome ~ A real dead man can't tell tales

By PETE BENNETT - Contra Costa Watch EMAIL
Phone: 510-460-5641

The Contra Costa Murder Suicide Syndrome leads in many directions, the suicide of Patricia Noel from Alamo 2nd Ward Alamo who being a 40 year member would known Nate Greenan, and would definitely know every republican candidate and officer holder such as Richard Rainey former FBI agent whose nephew Michael McNulty died in Humbolt County where the Coroner told me it looked like a stage scene.  

I told the Coroner that my 2004 Arson case was staged but still considered a story and the June 9th 2014 Bennett Murder Attempt near Nordstroms I took to the Walnut Creek City Council on June 17th where I spoke about the still missing police reports and what happened.  

In the Audience was a Contra Costa Times who has heard my comments numerous times but just like the 2004 truck explosion that paper doesn't want to touch my story.  On my blog there are cases where I suspect their employees have been murdered with very clever techniques. 

Contact Elisabeth Nardi at 925-952-2617. Follow her at Twitter.com/enardi10.

Brutal terrorist video surfaces

By PETE BENNETT - Contra Costa Watch EMAIL
Phone: 510-460-5641
Posted: 06/13/2013

Reposted to Protect My Sons

Arson Murder - Magalia / Paradise CA
Related: Arson / Arson

Contra Costa County Supervisor Dist 5 Federal Glover (as of 2013)

By PETE BENNETT - Contra Costa Watch EMAIL
Phone: 510-460-5641
Posted: 06/13/2013

President Trump we need real help
These protesters trampled memorials for Fallen Soldiers 

Brief Purpose 


In 1982 Pierre Bynum worked at my cabinet shop.  The minute I hired a minority the Irish / Italian families sent the Pittsburg Police after me, then went after my employees by killing one of them.  By 1986 one of my customers was murdered in Dublin CA then m good friend Cynthia Kempf in 1986.

After forty years of mayhem near Supervisor Federal Glover this Public Official has likely seen at least three persons of color he knew or grew up with have been killed by white police officers.  A sad statistic of what sure looks like the Western Division of the KKK - Contra Costa.


Fatal blast bringing tight new rules or Better Investigators - Three persons near this fire deceased.

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WALNUT CREEK / Fatal blast bringing tight new rules / Lawmaker says buried utility lines need better marking

Published 4:00 am, Saturday, June 11, 2005

After a Senate committee hearing Friday into November's fuel-line blast in Walnut Creek that killed five workers, state Sen. Tom Torlakson said he will push for tighter laws regulating how hazardous underground utilities are marked and how construction crews can avoid them.
Current methods of protecting utilities are "very ad hoc, and that's not right. That's not safe," Torlakson, D-Antioch, said after the two-hour meeting at Walnut Creek City Hall.
Workers who mark utilities may require special certification and should employ more advanced technology than they currently use, Torlakson said, echoing suggestions made by some speakers. He also suggested that fines levied for accidents may need to be heftier.
It was the first public hearing since the Nov. 9 blast, in which a backhoe operator installing an East Bay Municipal Utility District water main hit a buried fuel line, releasing a stream of gas ignited by nearby welders.
The catastrophe has prompted several investigations, a raft of lawsuits and calls for new laws. Officials from workplace safety regulator Cal/OSHA appearing at Friday's hearing said they would consider new laws and regulations after consulting a panel of state and industry experts next month.
"The thing that stands out about this incident is its disturbing simplicity," said Len Welsh, acting director of Cal/OSHA. "We need a system that is resilient to human performance errors."
Cal/OSHA last month blamed Kinder Morgan Energy Partners, saying it failed to mark a bend in its fuel line. It issued the firm two "willful" violations -- the stiffest possible penalty -- and fined it $140,000, while the utility district, the contractor and a mapping firm received "serious" citations.
Kinder Morgan officials, who say they properly marked the line and provided maps showing the bend that was struck, are appealing the ruling. Company officials did not attend the hearing, but sent a letter saying the firm -- which operates 10,000 miles of pipelines in 21 states -- is "retaining additional third-party expertise concerning line marking practices, " providing more training and education and buying "state of the art line locating equipment."
Currently, state law requires Bay Area excavators, before digging, to call a nonprofit service that in turn contacts the owners of any nearby underground pipelines and utilities. Those owners must locate and mark their lines or advise workers of their location. Should those workers approach the line, they must dig by hand to expose it and protect it.
But Torlakson, EBMUD General Manager Dennis Diemer and others asked why there are no rules specifying exactly when utility owners should, for example, use paint to mark the path of a line or dig "potholes" that expose the line from the surface.
Mark Breslin, executive director of the Engineering and Utility Contractors Association, which represents about 400 companies, said the Walnut Creek explosion was "only a symptom of a recurring and pervasive problem in marking utilities in the state."
Also at the meeting, state Fire Marshal Ruben Grijalva said his pipeline safety division was within two weeks of issuing its report on the Walnut Creek blast. He said his investigators also believe it was caused by "the line not being properly marked" and could seek fines up to $500,000.
"There was enough regulation and legislation in place so that this should not have happened," Grijalva said. "It just wasn't followed."

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