Showing posts with label Spinal Meningitis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spinal Meningitis. Show all posts

Bacterial Infections - Coincidence or Deliberate

By PETE BENNETT - Contra Costa Watch EMAIL
Phone: 510-460-5641
Posted: 12/12/2012
Updated: 07/12/2013 

Walnut Creek CA: In 2009 I began tracking certain types of infections after having dinner with Supervisor Federal Glover.  In 2013 it happened again.  

Bacterial Infections
  • Spinal Meningitis
  • Bacterial Meningitis
  • Non Specific
  • No Witness Deaths of Transients
  • Dying of Natural Causes - Ages roughly

In 2005 I nearly succumbed to a untimely death via bacterial intestinal infection.  A few years earlier a Danville/Alamo mom shared her story how she lost her daughter around 2002 to Meningitis.  That stuck with me but duirng a chance Dinner with Supervisor Glover during April 2009 was his startling revelation on how close our medical drama appeared to be. 

In June 2009 I filed a police report after researching if this wasn't some random coincidence and weeks later Councilman Shimansky died of spinal meningitis.  Councilman Elect Gary Bell as December 15th has been in CCU since Nov. 10th 2011.  Supervisor Glover suffered a near fatal infection in 2007, but in 2005 I nearly succumbed to near identical infection.

In 2009 I was already positive my infection was deliberate but after a brief chance dinner with Federal Glover where I learned of his near fatal infection I filed that police report that precedes Mr. Shimansky's death.  There are others that have been classified as natural causes throughout the county. My research is central and east county but today another one may have surfaced. 

The characteristics are churches, transients or politically sensitive persons. 

Unfortunate Bacterial Victims - Statistical Anomaly or Tactical Plan?

November 6th, 2012
Gary Bell
August 2009
Danville Councilman Michael Shimansky
une 2008
Eric Nunn


Incidents Chronology

Sure this isn't possible as one person said there is a system in place - only if you've got help from the anointed ones. 

The sheer number of event incidents collectively spread across many of my blog pages should be enough.

In 2004 several accidents were pretty clear attempted murders but my life was under siege from all points, the intestinal problems now very suspicious, the lack of the county hospital truly listening resulting in my near fatal medical event in November 2005.

After turning to the Contra Costa Bar for an attorney I was practically rebuffed over and over, everyone said we're not going to sue the Town of Danville or the county.  So I reached out to San Francisco Trial Lawyers where Attorney Sage Sepahi stepped up to the plate.   He agreed to represent me which would have ultimately uncovered CNET, and my personal belief that the  Danville Town Council was behind events., The Smarter Way To Buy Wireless

In 2006 Sage suddenly needed a "Geographic Relocation" but  called me one day to say that his "Attorney Withdrawal Letters" were being returned.  He fled Northern California to Southern California.  I knew had a decent case against Collins but more important is that lawsuit would have brought down CNET long ago.  I've left a trail of letters that are available via a public request.  Just ask for letters with the words "attempted murder" or "Building Inspector".

The medical challenges started late 1990's but medically nothing was suspicious via tests or exams.  Over the years I was practically living on Tums - too busy to get the doctor but when I was sick enough I'd make an appointment then I'd cancel as I'd get better.

Interesting cycle that I missed, sick, better, sick, better but  then nearly died which occurred about two weeks after the 800K policy lapsed - guess I wasn't of value any longer.  That's the cycle of the perfect circle of Fraud, Murder and Mayhem alcarte

When the boys relocated far away every weekend they'd come down sick then be fine once CPS saw them.  So if you don't test for drugs, containment's, bacteria, food poising, drugs or perhaps rat poison which are very close to the symptoms I suffered from and former Officer Tanabe lived down the road?

Numerous doctors The Contra Costa County Regional Medical Center would simply tell me to go away - once you get past the ER you get great treatment.

Event Date Description
10/02/2011 Appear in front of city council
08/04/2011 Bennett accused of attacking city worker riding lawn mower by Captain, Detective and Sergeant.
03/26/2011 Bennett arrested
07/06/2011 Bennett arrested on the way to Hillside Covenant Church
03/30/2012 Bennett relationship to Kitty revealed during call from jail
12/24/2011 Bennett spends Christmas alone without sons so he donates his time to the
07/06/2011 Bennett’s accounts compromised when adults coerce minor child into surrendering password on
04/02/2012 Bennett’s brakes sabotaged
07/20/2011 Bennett’s car totaled in Lafayette – Youth Director was constantly asking where I was going or what event I’d be singing at.
08/03/2011 Encounter police officers at 4AM watching me while I sleep in my 100% now disabled car stuck in a repair shop parking lot.
03/30/2012 Former Danville deputies recognize Bennett, place psychopath in cell – Bennett quickly determined inmate is 1) Homicidal B) has violent history C) was placed there to intimidate witness in pending cases
12/04/2011 Former Officer Stephen Tanabe named in lawsuit
12/04/2011 Gary Collins killed in fall - Police Report regarding Bennett/Collins incident handed to Chief Bryden on Nov 2nd 2011
07/09/2011 Hillside Youth Director posts messages
07/17/2011 Hillside Youth Director posts messages (Redacted)
03/30/2012 John Newman murdered -friend of Kitty Maffei
07/11/2011 Keith Richards is run over in Walnut Creek at Trader Joes
03/30/2012 Kitty posts Bennett Bail
11/11/2011 Loretta Hale dies on Mt. Diablo,
10/30/2011 Major Farmers Market incident –
11/02/2011 Relay car incident to Chief and City Manager
11/12/2011 Roma Bhatia body found on 680 – investigation open

Do you need anymore/

Two Mormons Different Results

Thank You  Danville
San Ramon Valley Unified School District

 Goodbye Son

Dear Will, 

A few years ago you were aware that I nearly killed by a Danville Building Inspector but also you were knew about the truck fire.  The sad part is the day when we're heading to dump in Pleasanton back in 04/05 when that car rode up at about 90 mph.  We watched the Honda careen into the median and nearly killed us if we'd clipped any part of the car.  Then we thought wow, now I suspect but can't prove because CHP, your state senators, your attorney general and CHP legislative security team won't refer cases over to anyone. 

I am concerned that one day these people will come after you and your brother.  I've been followed by bikers, hassled by cops, arrested, jailed and beaten many times.  When Roma Bhatia was found dead just north of our accident, then another person I knew found via an alleged suicide, then worse were two plane crashes, then a few murders near me but just after we last visited my car was totaled by a San Francisco Police Officer but just like all the other investigations they never started one.  

That last hit and run was enough, when Officer Tanabe was arrested then it all made sense.  If you remember Brother Coons from the Alamo 1st Ward well he fixed my truck that fateful day of the fire, then there is Bishop Clark who was constantly in our house, then I'm concerned about your Grand Fathers Death.  It seems very odd but there are a number of out of character deaths near this ward.  When my friend Brian Schelwing died hours after service I simply left the Alamo 1st Ward but the July 20th 2011 was the defining moment that perhaps I've been targeted. 

Whatever you do don't ever let a Mormon near you.  
  • Throw out the missionaries and elders, the sisters, the brothers and all the rest
  • Tell the Bishop to leave 
  • Throw their food in the trash
  • Tell them they are full of themselves 
Maybe we'll see each other again but I can't win against so many.  I am near positive Danville officers stole my coin collection, I am near positive that the entire town council knows more but sadly the one voice now gone was Councilman Mike Shimansky who died weeks after I filed a police report.  


It's hard when your truck explodes, you're run off the road, beaten up, have cops pull guns on you, when you're in the Contra Costa Regional Medical Center with a bacterial infection that descends to near fatal, when you suddenly has chronic asthma so bad you're in the ER again and again with bizarre medical that's gone without any treatment you know the county ER missed something.  

When your attorney is beaten up, when your business gets targeted, when your customers run because they are threatened, when your former customers and clients get murdered, then this father gets arrested , then tried then Deputies tried to kill me in jail, then my brakes were sabotaged, then, the I learn the same building inspector who nearly killed me in 2004, falls and dies, right after two others from Danville both Divorcees were killed you gotta wonder as after all that I learned the Officer Tanabe was the same Danville Dad you were afraid of.  

One just happened to know former Officer Tanabe the one you don't like.

Take care wish me luck as everyone else does - just luck. 


Bacterial or Murder by Bacteria

Murder by Bacteria The Perfect Circle Crime - Good Luck or Goodbye

Edited: January 27th 2013

Martinez CA: On November 26th 2005 at around 11:00 PM I drove myself to Contra Costa Regional Medical Center Martinez CA. I was suffering from severe intestinal cramps, vomiting and severe diarrhea. My fever was coming on strong while intestinal pain was intense but I was holding up we'll enough thinking this can't last much longer.

The pain was intense but another medical bill was something worth leaving over but at the time my medical g, returning and almost not leaving 48 hours later but the doctor said I almost didn't make it as he said we weren't sure if you had sepsis or septicemia but said it takes an autopsy - consider yourself lucky.

I've found similar cases or victims who are fall into divorcees, widows, widowers and business targeting.

GHB Bacterial Delivery Services

Local Woman - now likely deceased

The story as it was told to me: Her allegation is she was knocked out with a strong sedative (suspects GHB) after meeting someone. Awoke with a puncture wound (needle) suspects she her spine. About three days later arrives at Contra Costa Regional Medical Center CCU with Spinal Meningitis where they also find parasites. She is unable to can't the medical help she needs but this mirrors my own experiences with the CCCRMC. For years I went my own medical endurance test but here I am a decade uncovering others.

This person encountered the same CNET officers that many of us have met. The above story sounds pretty diabolical but this was posted on December 12th 2012. The timeline is highly important as Tax Collector Bill Pollecek died from Spinal Meningitis in May 2013, and I posted this after learning that Gary Bell contracted a bacterial infection then died but Councilman Shimansky died from Spinal Meningitis in August 2009 about a month I filed a police report. Too bad for that Danville Officer the call was likely recorded by FBI but if they missed it I called the agent I've updated - too bad for this boys but way back in 2001 or 1988.

Man arrested in 2006 by Wielsch and Lombardi alleges they bought him a drink just after they arrested him but while in custody. His statements are that he was in the jail infirmary vomiting his guts out at Martinez detention facility for about three days.
Lombardi used a non-police vehicle to pull me over in Danville waiving his six shooter at me calling me a drug dealer. That pretty ended my career working at LLNL, GE, or Wells Fargo.
A transient woman dies of natural causes in Pittsburg in 2011
A homeless man floating in Newhall Park - just another homeless drunk drowned in three feet of water - just like behind Barnes and Noble Pleasant Hill

Man found dead near Concord street corner

POSTED: 03/28/2008 10:50:35 PM PDT | UPDATED: 6 YEARS AGO

KH worked in Contract Furnishings now is on disability lives in severe pain.

  • Her visible health changes are:
  • Degenerative spine disease
  • Scoliosis
  • Host of apparent conditions
  • She was diagnosed with Uterine Cancer
  • Other conditions that are lifelong, treatable and manageable but are post puncture

There are other similar cases many fatal outcomes or lucky survivals but my personal experience was a close call - CCCMRC is fully aware of my allegations.

Over 48-hours of Intense Pain

My 48-hours was most intense vomiting ever with a fever with excruciating pain that later the Doctor stated I was lucky to survive. I asked what was it he said we can only tell after the autopsy.

That was the intestinal lite! - I'm planning on a deeper analysis with a little expert help as medicine is somewhat far afield from programming plus I don't have the time to develop comprehensive skills in bio-terrorism, bio-warfare, forensics, and fire technology.

They may not like my stance but my phone records which have likely been monitored by the FBI since my conversations with several Special Agents - the reason I started calling was Eric Nunn crashed three days after we last spoke. The only copy of that email is with Contra Costa Times unless someone can tell me who bought my storage locker at the former Walnut Creek Storage.

Apparatus Employment Openings

Stalker: someone employed by a larger apparatus responding to a network of operatives with DOD back grounds, with connection to research universities where the Brothers hang out (not those brothers that sing well) the Brothers that sing those boring old songs in that non-profit where the Puppet's listen to profits.

Stalkatrons: disciples or followers being led down trails with a locksmith kit, alarm codes and look-the-other-ways

Widows Watchers: They build the Will and Trust in paper mache approved by the bar

Judgilatrons : Bonded by Canyons of Echos where wink, wink, nod and nod again, wink some more

Diablo Bar Association - Ruled by the Magistrates of Alamo, controlled by someone, perhaps many, Heir Apparent of Seized Forfeitures by asset class -

Single Celled Apparatus - Knows something, knows enough but needs to know only enough

Dual Celled

Council Of Chiefs - Top rated ebay sellers, highest quality jewellry, watches, missing Rolex's, a few police cars from the Mac Farlands near fields of bakers where they tow cars.


My postings express the sum frustration of years of medical that comes from nowhere and vanishes. We are not talking cancer or biopsies but I'm sick then better.

I know it happens when the stalkers are trolling but will cover bars, clubs and restaurants.



Food Stamps or Victims Compensation Fund

Food Stamps or Victims Compensation Fund 
One has to wonder how one resident can be attacked, beaten, poisoned, suffer bacterial infection, get a case of MRSA, and parasites plus nearly be killed in more than one accident over 30 years and managed to collect over 75 police reports ranging from theft, break-ins, fires, arson and vandalism?

"I'm not this unlucky - simply impossible"

In the eighties Pittsburg Police Officers and their cronies stole my tools, property and vehicles.  In 2004 Danville Deputies pulled the same routine as they swiped my coin collection now valued at $40,000 which vanished during this wild nightmare.  
 "CNET officers are solid opportunists with well honed tactics"
The sad part is these officers have a long history of stealing from residents where they use asset forfeiture procedures take residence using a unique targeting model.  There must be a team of researching matching the perfect asset ripe for the taking.  This includes the Tow Companies of which you can blame your legisslature for that problem but read my Marriot Priced Storage Facilities - the greed is evident. 

There are teams of target homeowners that routinely find properties which are generally fully paid who do a drug drop (Plant Evidence) then seize and sell.  The stories seem to surface almost daily and suggest that Contra Costa County coffers are no more than a slot machine for attorneys.  

Since 2004 lost over $30,000 in cars, a $400,000 inheritance as another attorney in Walnut Creek probably colluded with my brothers to tweak trust documents.  

One attorney settled my $400,000 for $55,000 over a personal injury case - details later but I was at a disadvantage.  Shuttering my cabinet shop was the worst as several million in future contracts plus $250,000 in hard losses.  

In 1990 the FBI strongly suggested leaving - they used the words "My Safety Was In Danger" but those fine Danville Deputies waiting at the Martinez Detention Facility then promptly placed Mr. Whamo in my cell which is one of the ways they kill suspects.  Livingston lives in Danville as does Judge Gollub who knows about many of these events but today (December 13th, 2012) he got some bad news as I said you remember my truck blew up on 680, well now that's connected to the pipe bomb found in front of Pleasant Hill Elementary School on Oak Park Blvd just down the street from two persons that the Lafayette Police won't investigate from last years accident.  

Just in case you're wondering about me please watch me on PBS trying to save your job from being shipped overseas. 

Click for Vidoe 
High-tech Companies Seek to Hire More Foreign Workers

When you look over thirty years at all the deaths near - it leaves you wondering.    

The point is when you can't recover your losses when your attorney gets beaten you end up on food stamps, when your car gets totaled you end up on food stamps, when you truck catches on fire you end up on food stamps, when read my lips when your cabinet shop fold when you get attacked over and over - your life falls apart. 

In 1990 I closed up a cabinet shop in Pittsburg after being targeted - some of those officers have landed elsewhere in the county.  


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