The Pefect Circle - Cradle to Grave Police Corruption

The Pefect Circle - Cradle to Grave Police Corruption

Contra Costa County - Now the title might irk a good cops as there are many fine officers.  When you read my Officer Youngstrom Story you'll know the take away to me he was a nice guy sitting next to me having a conversation and everyone says he was fine officer which I believe is true.  Read the story as it provides insight that unless you've been used for Fake Interviews you'll never get it. 

The 5150 Gambit - The Mental Illness Allegation

This a tacticians in the tacticians toolkit - they simply start a campaign using a series of allegations which are then used to escalate events on a target.  The was a shooting of a suspect in Danville CA back in 2000 that was witnessed by many but one person who knew the suspect also watched him get shot.  I asked about the investigative questions but the answer was there were no questions asked and just like other cases around the county they just go quiet. 

August 4th 2011 11:30 AM - Sir, we've got a report that someone attacked a city worker riding a lawnmower outside the Walnut Creek Library. When Captain Tim Schultz of the Walnut Creek Police Department began the gambit things got interesting very quickly. 

First off the allegation time period in question was when I was dead asleep on the grassy knoll just North of the Library and the reason was the night before I slept on the street as my car was totaled by San Francisco Police Officer (Ret) Lt. David Oberhoffer deliberately ran me into on-coming traffic. 

Jailed for Jay Walking (62 Days)

Jailed for Jay Walking (62 Days) 

The Walnut Creek Mom (M.E.)

Abuse of Authority Under Color of Law
Research Cases

This case should be fully vetted including the dismissal of court personnel, disbarment plus removal of any parties connected to this case. 

For eight years I've battled for visitation rights to be honored, access to my sons and even school information is paltry but my story is interwoven with Chris Butler, former Officers Tanabe, Wielsch and Lombardu.  I'll doubt never see my sons again as it would be a waste of money to even file as they are 16 and 14.  All my future earnings to Butte County to pay the child suppport leaving me in complete poverty until my death.  My truck was blown up, my life targeted and now left with no place to live, no license, and little chance of getting work I've decided to vet the stories I've been finding around the county and parts of the state. 

I'm now positive that with help from Contra Costa Sheriff's Department, Butler, Tanabe (Former Neighbor) Lombardi and other deputies that I'm hoping will be indicted soon all played a hand in destroying many families. 

My earnings have dropped to near zero while enduring endless events and court battles.  I love my sons dearly but when read how Hillside Covenant Church targeted me last year plus how my sons were nearly killed here you have to wonder. 

A few years ago (2009) several divorce attorneys stated you can't win in Family Law but one clearly stated the system is corrupt.  Her additional frustration was complaining only made it worse - retaliation made it worse.

The CNET operatives are in cleanup mode as some divorcees suffer untimely deaths and some never reach the divorce court as they have the perfect circle - the perfect police report, the perfect investigation, in my case the doctors rolling me into the corner to die back in 2005, and then like all the Sherriff Coroner Fatal Officer Shootings - the officers are never at fault.    

The Arrest that started her fall to homelessness
It took over three years to glean details, she is definetely mentally shattered, denigrated and mentally destroyed but my hope is an attorney will file motions armed with new information I've developed to reverse events. 

I've known opposing counsel for decades but after declined to take my case I was rather ticked but that was in years before I learned he represented my friends husband.  If he's reading this he'll know which case but more important is his Law License is on the line. 

Jailed For Jay Walking - Tactical Maneuver (send the mark sideways)

Once Butler was arrested she began to conclude that my tactical campaign allegations made sense as she knows one morning she walking her daughter school then spensds 65 days in jail plus looses full custody to the father. 

Family Law Hearings - when in custody
  • You're brought to the holding area
  • You're brought into the courtroom to be seated
  • You're jail uniforms -
  • You sit with your counsel
  • Your case gets heard with you present
M.E. was held in the "Family Law Holding Area" while her husband and possibly her attorney argued she'd abandoned here children so the court issued orders in her absence.  When you read the court docket it clearly states mail was returned undeliverable.  Of course that's going to happen she's now homeless and in jail. 

The 5150 Play - They still want to see their children - what gives?
This one gambit has been used over and over in Contra Costa County - in my situation I realized I was played from all angles but others have come forward with similar stories. 

Awakes From Coma at Kaiser Oakland

What happened next is truly appalling as this petite mom starting chasing cheap housing leads on Craigslist so one day she went to Oakland and couldn't find the apartment then all of sudden she's attacked - using the usual Oakland Suspect Model - four black males but after several conversations with her she doesn't much until she woke up at Kaiser Oakland as she was beaten and left with a head trauma. 

The husbands counsel knows all too well that was targeted as I was beaten, poisoned and my truck torched - all with the help of Contra Costa Law Enforcement and agencies. 

Officer Stephen Tanabe and Bailiff Tanabe The "Divorce Court Enforcer"

Officer Stephen Tanabe

"Divorce Court Enforcer"

This is the same bailiff before anyone was present in the courtroom stated to I'd been making terrorist threats and then about 20 minutes later I lost my sons.  In the weeks preceding the clerks deliberately concealed my "Move Away Prevention Order" but since I could not afford an attorney I was at an disadvantage, I was at medical, economic, and endless challenges thrown at me.   I have my opinion that someone with access to biological toxins, agents or perhaps weapons grade bio-agents were near me. 
These same bailiffs are behind this events that forced a former Walnut Creek Divorcee (Females) who lost custody of her kids after being Jailed For Jay Walking landing in jail for amazing sixty five days.  If you've ever lost a lawsuit in Contra Costa County or lost custody of your children then her story should resonate with yours.  We can't help the case of Andrew Mantas but every person in this county should read her story as in some courtrooms you can't win but their stories have enough parallels they should be investigated, the Judges admonished, the clerks terminated and attorneys disbarred. 

Her case and others are worthy of a complete review by court personnel but court personnel from another county as Contra Costa Countys bigger problem is nepotism.  The Enforcers, Justamites, Judgetarians and Opportunitrons are truly SystemTrons Maniplomats where rules are made for baking and breaking. 

Eight years later
Bailiff Tanabe surfaces in court ligitation revealing he was my former nieghbor who probably provided the toxic mix that nearly killed me in 2005.  I don't think the ER doctors expected me to live but there was this Homeless woman that was suffering badly from her own intestinal drama.  She was a regular fixture from Pittsburg that has vanished but I've not seen her since but do not travel that area often.  Just like Chris Ann Tripp Livermore she just dies on her own like so many others - no witnesses, few or friends just a death alone in the dark of night. 

The common charateristic is like the homeless being run over in Walnut Creek we've got connections to local churches but we've got at least seven homeless with obvious suspicious circumstances. 

Officer Kenyon Youngstrom and H-1B Visa

Officer Kenyon Youngstrom

The Five Minute Conversation at Starbucks

Abstract:  During a very brief conversation with Officer Kenyon Youngstrom occurred at North Main Starbucks

 that months later would weave back into a former universe against the H-1B visa.  The visas are a money tree for agencies specializing in recruiting overseas workers to relocate to the US.  

The inner-workings of the H1-B Visa program often requires an attorney (Visa Factory's) a visa/attorney/processor mill that grind, print and stipulate applications called petitions by the thousands The backgrounds are checks are checkered, the documents often are fabulously flawed from Diploma Mills unaccredited worldwide but that's how we overrun the US Job Market.  

My little poke at the visa is not to make light of the program which has brought many well-educated workers to the US but it also brought workers that teach Pilates, Barrista's and plenty of deli workers jobs.  Check my NomoreH1b1 Blog that's seeded with a few years of visas by selected cities.  I don't have time to put the list back up but it was up in 2010 but my business was attacked and forced to fold.  



Assisted Living Facilities - Business Growth by Crushing Homeless persons

Four Wheeled Homeless Crushers
A Unique Sustainable Business Model
A defining moment was a conversation with then Councilman Mike Shimansky Danville CA where we took a short stroll together through the Danville Mormon Stake, 655 Old Orchard Dr, Danville CA where in his words that I can only restate was "Get over the assault (Building Inspector)" as they are too powerful. I truly took those words literally but decade earlier my business was hit which cost somewhere in the millions but that will be for another blog.  My dual experiences span nearly three decades only the latter they tried to kill me at least seven or more times. 

Four Wheeled Homeless Crushers - You couldn't ask for a better business model when you know the Long Term Care (LTC) is covered by Uncle Sam which is the perfect recipe for medi-care fraud but incredibly hard to detect.  My focus on these incidents morped into new dimensions of untold size and shape.   This theory surfaced during work on a pending article when researching costs on this in the video embedded below. 

Another victim currently resides in a Long Term Care Facility in Walnut Creek CA.  Without a court order or power of attorney examining his records near impossible but then we have HIPPA rules.   His medical, associated costs and his police report are iron clad documents with a zillion rules to penetrate.

A Sustainable Business Model

My goal in that article was to identify the hidden taxpayer costs that a Long Term Care patient would place on the system.  Using an extremely lose analysis model beginning with a proforma worksheet you'll get the idea - it's hugely profitable but more important explains why I've gotten endless resistance by authorities in Contra Costa County but I don't take deflection well. 

The Revenue and Expenses
Every business model begins with "show me the money" so patient revenue and revenue optimization is the foundation of our hypothetical company.  For our example we'll use the KISS model "Keep It Simple Stupid" that our audience can absorb without consuming mental resources on the business aspect as that is secondary better suited for a meeting with the suit and ties folks.  Please excuse my personal dig the establishment. 

We need a bed estimate, patient durations forecasts and for our model we'll start at 10K per month per patient.  We'll estimate salaries based on job openings for doctors, nurses, LVNs, VNs, orderlies and a schedules of supplies, assigning budgets to departments, site selection and then long term planning coupled with strategic alliances but most important are operatives to do your bidding.

Perhaps someone in the State Legislature will read this instead of endlessly debating dogmas the operatives are fast at work exploiting our administrative weak spots. 

Part of that operative model is the "perfect circle" which we'll visit shortly.  When Keith Richards (alias) stated he'd been hit seven times I was simply astonished as there were no arrests, no litigation so while he's living under bridge perhaps more than slightly shocked unknown to his PTSD shattered mind he's preparing for his next accident.

Some might conclude he's experienced the "Richard Dryfuss Effect" where he's hit with bright lights sufferes an untimely sunburn then the compulsively begins building mountains on his coffee table but my experience suggests persons with extensive pharmacological and anesthesiology expertise that have to an uncontrolled medicine cabinet.  That would be just like former Commander Wielsch's business model - steal the evidence locker with thirty years of drug seizures your supply line would be consistent. 

Kieths costs (taxpayer funded) by now are way over one million but I never expected this one interview to evolve into this article either.  The goal that morning was learning about a mutual acquaintance Todd Cambra who generated around 250K in fees to fix him up but since he could walk he's under the bridge. 

 Bunny Rabbit Billing Systems - (re) producing new clients is simple

The other factor is the supply and demand side economics - you need revenue, COG and Net/Gross Profit, need a market place, locations, buildings, structures and equipment but the important element is getting paid timely without cash you don't have a business.

Put your Moodys Investors hat on by assuming the role of analyst by pseudo analysis of a fictitious company called "AA Indigent Only Assisted Living Facilities" where we care for those that can't for themselves!

You look at the company website where you see free feeding tubes included with every order for if you move in today.

Having good financials means a good stock price but every analyst must factor short vs. long term survival is what it all boils down to.  If you're picking stocks you want to pick a winner.  Lacking times to write a detailed analysis I'll borrow something from the real world of finance with a few edits.

 Backed By Uncle Bucks Payment Systems 

When I first noticed how the homeless accidents I knew something was wrong but lacked reasons as to what underlying motivations beyond just persons wanting to exact revenge on the underprivileged and underrepresented.  The system also can not or will not deal with people coming in with wild ideas e.g. they are being stalked, that gangs stalk them or they've got electronic implants right out "Close Encounters" type movie. 

As I traveled around the bay area I heard things like "transmitters have been implanted, that someone placed GPS transmitter on my car.  I never fell head over heals for the alien conspiracy model but knew my movements were monitored but in my case I outsmarted them as my story about my trip to San Jose CA revealed how they found me.  But this one is because I've lived a life as a programmer for many years but at present no one will hire me due to the many problems my pending story on Officer Kenyon Youngstrom will get your attention as another US Programmer imploded over his inability to get a job. 

When you're broke it's hard to fight back but when you have attorneys, police and perhaps others working in unison anything is possible.

One of my theories is that someone targets homeless by running them over but NOT killing them as most are placed in large assisted living facilities under the \indigent care model which pays for everything for as long as it takes.  The MBA will recognize this model as sustainable but might not recognize why its so steady. 

  • Long term care costs - recurring revenue - localized to your neighborhood
  • Perfect medi-cal or medi-care billable.
  • Each victim worth more than their organ parts -
Just apply the rules of revenue growth and you have the answer. 

Coming Soon: The Business Model - Producing Revenue a unique Targeting System

Arson/Murder Victim: Eiko Sugihara

The Sad Story of the Richmond Woman
Eiko Sugihara 

Published on 12/13/12 5:39 PM

Lafayette CA -- A few months ago I revisited The 680-Candlestick to determine if my fire was arson or accidental plus I began requesting public documents from various agencies which is when the wagons were drawn.

It's very clear that improbable occurred when my F-250 Truck erupted in flames back in 2004 but the story doesn't stop there as on July 2oth 2011 my car was pushed into oncoming traffic by a retired San Francisco Police Lieutenant that lives in Pleasant Hill CA.  We have an arsonist in the mist as I've encountered him more than once over the last few years but I suspect he's behind many fire incidents in Contra Costa County and beyond.

-Please read Martha's blog more ...
call this number and ask them why they don't want to hear about my arson case where I nearly burned up in 2004?  This is how Contra Costa County buries cases.
Investigators are asking anyone with information about Sugihara on that day to contact them at (925) 313-2632.

Take a good look around as you'll see a behavioral profile of brazen, immigrant targeting, small businesses targets, sheds, garages, porches and car ports.   A common theme is persons with limited resources, that will not likely rebound from an economic setback, he hits easy store front targets in strip malls, small centers but tends to pan for targets near the Contra Costa County Trail system.  These are a mix of crimes of opportunity but they tend to be real estate, insurance work, fire jobs and the big Kahuna - really big gas pipeline fires.

On November 2nd 2011 critical information was passed to a local agency with specific, razors accurate information regarding a law firm, a Danville Building Inspector and officers connected to CNET (Contra Costa County Narcotics Enforcement Taskforce) which connects even more officers regarding dirty the DUIs, the setups but this particular Danville Building Inspector who nearly killed me in 2004 was specifically mentioned.  The almost surreal occurred as just over month later he fell down an elevator shaft (just in time) then died weeks later at Stanford Medical Hospital on Dec. 19th 2011.

Discovering this accident was delayed by over a year as the City of Palo Alto withdrew the memo before it circulated to the media.  A snooping reporter got the scoop out on April 28th but my discovery was late October.  That discovery milestone comes after a July 6th milestone, and a June 28th milestone, a March, December milestones but there are actually more before that.

Days after the July 20th 2011 accident a Walnut Creek detective was following me around in a late model 1990s White Ford Taurus.
So in 2004 my truck was racing north on 680 flames blazing back 100 feet, smoke everywhere and to any professional looks like arson.  I'm sorry Officer you mean oil plug wiggle down two and one half turns with oil flowing like honey?

My arson case was deliberately misinterpreted by the CHP officer and so this arson fire just another an engine fire right?  My attempts to get San Ramon Fire to find the records were met on deaf ears.

  • Yep we can't find it, 
  • Sorry there are no log files, 
  • There are no records trucks rolled
  • No 911 calls - we delete all potential arson calls with great dispatch!

Big credibility problem.

  • The pencil was broken? 
  • The backup tapes can't be found
  • The engine hours log has no mention of two engines rolling north and south?
  • San Ramon Fire has more than 20 people with amnesia - yep I get it.

Next month its beat the fuck out of the resident but why this derailed investigation means so much to this Richmond woman would have died in such a horrific manner but what occurred in September mirrors the fire cover-up.

I am sorry but Eiko Suguhari fire in December 2009 leads a direction that will surprise many as uit surprised me.  The difference is I lived to tell the story but that wasn't the first attempt on my life as many more attempts occurred after that.

The Eiko Sugihara murder could be solved but investigators have to ask the right questions to the right people and group.  Please read how to Kill The Case Ever So Slowly and Quietly 


Bacterial Infections - Coincidence or Deliberate

By PETE BENNETT - Contra Costa Watch EMAIL
Phone: 510-460-5641
Posted: 12/12/2012
Updated: 07/12/2013 

Walnut Creek CA: In 2009 I began tracking certain types of infections after having dinner with Supervisor Federal Glover.  In 2013 it happened again.  

Bacterial Infections
  • Spinal Meningitis
  • Bacterial Meningitis
  • Non Specific
  • No Witness Deaths of Transients
  • Dying of Natural Causes - Ages roughly

In 2005 I nearly succumbed to a untimely death via bacterial intestinal infection.  A few years earlier a Danville/Alamo mom shared her story how she lost her daughter around 2002 to Meningitis.  That stuck with me but duirng a chance Dinner with Supervisor Glover during April 2009 was his startling revelation on how close our medical drama appeared to be. 

In June 2009 I filed a police report after researching if this wasn't some random coincidence and weeks later Councilman Shimansky died of spinal meningitis.  Councilman Elect Gary Bell as December 15th has been in CCU since Nov. 10th 2011.  Supervisor Glover suffered a near fatal infection in 2007, but in 2005 I nearly succumbed to near identical infection.

In 2009 I was already positive my infection was deliberate but after a brief chance dinner with Federal Glover where I learned of his near fatal infection I filed that police report that precedes Mr. Shimansky's death.  There are others that have been classified as natural causes throughout the county. My research is central and east county but today another one may have surfaced. 

The characteristics are churches, transients or politically sensitive persons. 

Unfortunate Bacterial Victims - Statistical Anomaly or Tactical Plan?

November 6th, 2012
Gary Bell
August 2009
Danville Councilman Michael Shimansky
une 2008
Eric Nunn


Spence, Chris - Gun Cleaning Accident or perhaps more

Chris Spence

DOD: Gun Cleaning Accident
Date: Dec 2007
Residence: Contra Costa County
Alternate Theory: Possible Suicide or Murder By Suicide

I first met Chris Spence around 2005 after we connected via my ad posted on Craigslist.  He came to my offices on Maria Lane to go over his web site requirements.  His web site was located under - which is a shared site based on surname.

We got to know each others and generally had good conversations.  Like me he was struggling with his divorce and things wern't going well.

One day he vanished and stopped returning calls so my assumption was he moved on from Real Estate.  He was with Keller-Williams Danville. 

Just so many incidents - there are literally few or no details about his death.  Hopefully someone knows something and is willing to share.  There was a snippet about a gun cleaning accident but when a Micheal Spence jumps from the Kaiser Parking Structure for no apparent reason the events like the many others are uncomfortable.

Michael Spence


McFarland CA - Arson Fire, Cheif Fired

McFarland CA - Arson Fire, Cheif Fired

Walnut Creek CA -

In June 2010 I first encountered San Francisco Police Department's Lt. David Oberhoffer he was nearing the end of 28 years. He entered my offices after hours but politely introduce himself then went on to say he was retiring, needed a website for his retirement plans of being a photographer.  

He also sais he would be attending my June Meetup Group.  One of my business goals was building automated web development like you see today.  The .NET Framewwork was in place but I need local creatives e.g. musicians, artists, recording engineers, developers and photographers so the natual move was too reach out with a group.

The first event and meeting was a big success.  That was our only meeting as within weeks the troubles began. 

By October why I didn't realize I'd be running for my life and looking back that was a smart move. 

Oberhoffer turns was double dealing with deals - turns out this person was able to manipulate many along the way and probably pulled his badge on a few of my clients. 


McFarland, CA - Map Link (new) -

Cheif Fired:  What a fucking mess to be honest

Headline Link
Quouted Article
Quouted Article
Mc Farland Lawsuit
McFarland's police chief fired
McFarland's police chief fired

Local Arson Fires


Danville Building Inspector Gary Vinson Collins

    :Truck Arson 
Truck Arson
Date:August 2004    
NB 680 at El Cerros

Association:   San Ramon Fire, CHP, Danville Police (CCSO)

After meeting Stephanie Kovacs at her garage sale in Danville on La Questa off Diablo Road I was reluctant to take on this project as I was already busy.  This customer was a new friend who was in a contentious divorce battle with another ex-husband. 

A Contra Costa knock-down, drag-down winner take all battles where they leave the kids in the wreckage.   This would be a Danville style battle where you have opposition from you ex who has police officers (CNET and Butler) on their side. As the week progressed things just didn't go well where the freebie requests grew to unreasonable.  The quick painting morphed into painting Mt. Rushmore with an artist brush.  The night the dinner plate came flying down the hall was enough and packed up my gear.

The following Tuesday I returned to recover my tools that had been hidden but luckly crew knew me so together we found the most of the big stuff but lost over $1,000 in equipment vanished.  Officer Paul Murphy refused to allow me to file a police report but the report on the incident took over 75 days to get released but only when they got wind of the internal affairs investigation as what happened next was Gary Collins appears at my door a few hours later screaming I'd stoled his $15 paintbrush. 

I went flying through the air and came down popping my shoulder suffering a number of injuries.  The way Danville protects its liabilities is to pass events to Contra Costa County so the rest of the county has paid my $50,000 in medical with at least another $50,000 in medical pending. 

This un-reimbursed medical honestly is why Mitt Romney calls us "System Lepers" and so at the moment I'm indigent while I attempt to weave through the legal nightmare which by the way my litigation would have exposed CNET years ago but when they learned I was about to file they found my attorney who was then beat up in Walnut Creek CA.

Buy now save $180 for RocketLawyer  

By the way that police report created by Officer Murphy took forever but suddenly appeared the moment I called internal affairs. The Danville Building Inspector was Gary Collins who died withing weeks of his name being connected to Chris Butler.  They used allegations I'd stolen a paint brush to justify his reasons for coming over even though I'd spent the better part of five minutes screaming for him to leave.

Upon reading Mr. Collins obituary then another event became even more important as in August 2004 my truck erupted in flames ( CANDLESTICK F-250 80 mph fireball - oops.) where my F-250 is blazing flames over 100' back and they don't call it arson. 

The Building inspector's death under investigation article is about Danville Building Inspector Gary Collins fall.  I'm nearly positive I saw him in 2011 with black hair - poorly dyed at best.  There is another prominent case in the area where blond hair and DNA was found but never tested. 

So I'm not sure how a building inspector tumbles down an elevator shaft and dies.  The last person to make such a critical error would be the inspector. 

Palo Alto Investigation - Key Points that don't make much sense to me
  • OSHA Fatality investigation result in fines
  • No press annoucement
  • It was a public works project
  • No visible litigation in Contra Costa 
The Lafayette Big "O" Tire connection between Collins and Greggs Muffler 

The truck arson was bad enough but the reason I drove from Danville to Greggs Muffler in Lafayette because I knew Gregg.  His mechanic stated he actually witnessed the fireball.  Imagine that a Mormon who also attends Alamo 1st with Gregg Coons knew about the attempted murder.  

Post Truck Arson Repairs
The truck was barely damaged likely due to me throttling up to 90 mph for sole reason linked to carburetor/engine choking. That is what is saved my life.  The damage was repaired.

I get it there is no possible connection and it's just a coincidence. 

No question that the Mormons at the Alamo 1st Ward knew about the truck fire and Greg Coons of Greggs Muffler's and his mechanic who witnessed the fire on 680 all knew Collins.  Eight years later through an obituary learn Collins worked across the street at Big O Tires.  Wow, Arson and Assault about four weeks apart that took eight years to discover this little snippet.  I told Joel Gullub who is a Superior Court Judge who as an officer of the court that when they learn of little things like attempted murder or what looks like arson should have reported the crimes. 

Eight years later we've got divorcees connected to attorneys connected to truly untimely divorce deaths being found dead in truly strange locations

No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

Exhibit (a) murders and deaths near Bennett
The best part is Collins grew up in Pleasant Hill area, went to Acalanes High School and has plenty of contacts throughout the county.  The truck fire and subsequent beating weeks later now suggest that someone has sponsored my death which is also know as a "hit" on the east coast.  When I attended Alamo 1st Alamo where I often chatted with the local powerful but just about everyone in that Ward was well aware of my near fatal events.

Greg's Muffler repaired my fire damaged truck and everyone knew I was nearly beaten to death at 161 Valle Vista Danville CA by Gary Collins who died weeks after I met with Chief Bryden and City Manager Ken Nordoff but during that meeting several key events occurred

  • Copies of the Bennett Collins Police Report were handed over to Chief Bryden witnessed by City Manager Ken Nordoff who's executive assistant copied that police report and handed it to Chief Bryden.  
  • Specific conversations about several divorce cases with highly specific information detailing how Custody Evaluations were being sold.  In 2009 I was told to have $7,500 for the attorney and $10,000 for the evaluator for the exam but the day I was supposed to meet with this attorney they called to say their client had been murdered that weekend by one very pissed off ex-wife.  
  • The other story was how a mom in Walnut Creek was arrested for Jay-walking and jailed for 62 days but they screwed over good at the jail and by court personal who knew better.   

Attorneys Beaten

Reporters Attacked

It's the way it's done around Contra Costa as when you're able to intimidate witnesses, attorneys or poison litigants you can control the vertical and horizontal you can control the courts and best of all control case outcomes.  Think back when a local reporter had a meltdown on-air or this reporter

which is why I wrote the perfect circle of fraud.  Between 2004 and 2006, I was hospitalized, poisoned, beaten, run off the road, my truck erupts in flames at 90 ph with flames shooting back over 100 feet, where the mechanic at Gregs Muffler in Lafayette says he was right behind me but didn't do anything such as honk - he just stayed back to watch.  By the way you guys really suck at rigging F-250 to explode and suck at swoop and squats (insurance term)  so you move to the next closest target so after all that bullshit where you nearly kill him and his sons you move to his attorney.

Why the hell would an attorney represent with so many attempts on my life?  You might to ask Daniel Horowitz how his practice has changed or perhaps you might want to call this number

Poets Corners area participated in another Hit and Run on July 20th 2011 but like Goodness Gracious Great Balls of fire Lafayette just like Danville doesn't investigate attempted murders.

Three days later Chris Butler arrives with all the facts about the assault stating he represent Kovacs ex-husband Todd Ratfield in Ratfield vs. Kovacs, which is another Chris Butler henchman job as she landed in jail after being arrested for attempting to hire a hit man.  The charges were dropped after the so called hit man vanished but she spent over $50,000 on attorney fees unraveling those charges that were likely a fabrication from the beginning which takes the CNET Story to officers in Hayward, Union City and San Leandro.

What I never realized is the history of some Danville Officers that came from Pittsburg where officers there stole my tools - about $50,000 was lifted between 1986 and 1990 but one set of officers murdered Cynthia Kempf a Safeway Manager back in 1988. There have been many murders just like that near me over thirty years.


The Perfect Circle Of Fraud

The Perfect Scenario For Fraud
When you've landed in divorce court you'll quikly learn that your fortune will be fleeced and that you'll be bled out of cash, that each attorney will tell you a snipped about what the other attorney will do.  What they don't tell you is cases where the ruinded lives or that a spouse or child suffered in some way. 

The most startling example found is the LA Grandma's Story where these nice old ladies were running over once Homeless Men after setting them up in their house.  The scheme is played out in the east bay but the distinct difference is the "Perfect Circle" to close to loop. 

Please visit my blog article on about several homeless men in Walnut Creek who have been run over many times. If you're an Risk Manager in the insurance industry then you'll want to read this article as it smacks of the Perfect Circle.

Future articles

False Allegations Gambit

The Probate Grab

The Life Policy -


The Southbound 680 Speed Killer Missed His Mark

Date: 2004/2005 winter
Location: Southbound 680 just south of Alcosta Blvd
Date and Time - Weekend - Mid Morning
In this accident the other driver hit the median on a Sunday Morning and was either killed or seriously injured.  His vehicle came up from behind at better than 90 mph. 
Vehicle: Silver or pewter late model 4 door sedan (Honda Accord) light colored interior
Driver: White Male, blondish hair about 40 years of age
When came back around we saw fire engines about 60 minutes later still cleaning up the scene as we went on to the dump. 
During the accident we pulled over and called CHP who said they would call back if they needed us.  The skid marks were easily 200' long with a long swerve where they attempted to navigate around us, then I thought is was a really stupid driver now I suspect it was deliberate. 
Again my friends at Alamo 1st knew all about this accident but currently have Pete Amnesia. 
That day my two sons were accidental targets as they couldn't be seen due to truck and trailer filled with construction debris heading to the dump. 

The Southbound 680 Speed Killer Missed His Mark


SRVFPD San Ramon Valley Letters

In a different post I discussed how my F-250 Truck erupted in flames on 680 NB.  If you're wondering why I'm blogging this eight years later then please read Lafayette Attempted Murder which forced me to review the endless property incidents

In June 2010 I leased office space at 1923a Oak Park Blvd. Pleasant Hill CA.  The deal was practically free with zero rent for six months, then $500 increments over 3 years.  In June 2010 a retired SF Police Officer arrived saying he would be attending to my Meetup seeking to draw together Musicians, creatives, artists and Engineers with refreshments e.g. some good beer.  During that meeting he revealed his SF Badge and stated he was retiring at the end of the month.

We then discussed his pending plans to develop a photography business.  He then showed me pictures of the Piedmont Lumber Fire from April 2011. 


So Chief Price my problem is I've got a stack of accidents going back years.  This accident leads to a repair shop in Lafayette where the mechanic said he witnessed (a person who saw my truck on fire) me stating clearly that he was right behind me on 680 - what a fucking coincidence Chief - I bet if that fire was under the ass of some powerful or Danville Princess we'd be stopping every person of color on 680 - saying did you do it.

In the meantime perhaps you might consider manually searching for snippets of this accident scene but for the safety of the students in another school district do something as my suspect lives near other incidents in the area.

I am trying to help and you're stonewalling but I suspect there are other fires with deaths that are connected to persons near my 2004 fire.

As for San Ramon Valley - they simply have no record of my fire but the letter I recieved on December 11th 2011 stated this. 

Blow back bullshit.  The problem now is getting a response from anyone


Leads Pursued In Bomb Found at Pleasant Hill Elementary School

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Police Pursue Potential Bomb Leads

I have my concerns about this bombing as one of my major events occurred near this school. 

A snapshot of events:
April 2010-Piedmont Lumber Burns to the ground - arson suspected
June 2010 : leased offices at 1932a Oak Park Blvd.
June 2010- assigned interns from Mt. Diablo School district
Began office expansion, built walls, setup server racks, servers and power systems
June 2010 - Met Former Lt. David Oberhoffer who shared his personal images

Sept 2010 - Bennett evicted from unit due to endless complaints that were unsubstantiated - random vandalism and harrasment plus numerous clients targeted
Oct 2010- Oberhoffer takes position as Cheif of Police - arson fires begin - scandal erupt surrounding missing police cars and tow company

Feb 2011-CNET Scandal Broke - Bennett recognizes Chris Butler - other officers surface as part of scandal
June 2011 -FBI takes over in investigation
July 2011 - Bennett run off road by Ret SFPD Lieuntenant Oberhoffer
August 2011 -State Police over Bennett investigation when Lafayette Police refuse to investigate

For the short term links out will be the best. 
  • Patch
  • Contra Costa Times,
  • Claycord
  • San Francisco Chronicle
Incident Location:
Pleasant Hill Elementary School
Oak Park Blvd
Pleasant Hill CA


Contra Costa Times

San Francisco Chronicle

Ethnic Cleansing - The Four Wheeled Homeless Lawnmowers

Mow em' down they're just the homeless 40 points

June 2012

Update: I keep hearing conflicting stories about Keith but I've asked him many times the same questions - got the same answer over and over again.  This pattern can be found in many stories but when the data e.g. facts are managed by others there is little you can do but speculate.  There is truth somewhere in the story. 


Walnut Creek CA - The Homeless Targeting Interview from Feb 2012 that from the moment Keith Richards explained he'd been hit on July 1th 2011 our stories were connected as my Blinded By The Cop blog occured on July 20th 2011 but events preceding the accident shed light on participants can be found on the master list. 

Keith and Larry in their own words on how Larry dragged his friend down to Kaiser Hospital where he spent about five weeks recuperating but his last accident was July 10th 2011 and that time his release date was mid-February 2012 or about nine months.  The reason I sought him out was Todd Cambra had been run over a few days earlier but the February interview also revealed that Marcus Berger had been hit sometime mid summer and now he's part of the 40% (mitt), he's living on the dole with brain trauma at the assisted living facility on Geary Road Walnut Creek CA. 

In between these accidents I was arrested for child support but while I was in custody John Newman was murdered in Concord CA.  It was murder one until I told Concord Police that was the same night former Danville Deputies Jimenez placed a pyschotic inmate in my cell.  That was one hellofuva evening where I read to him until he conked out.  My solid real friend Kitty Maffie bailed me out of jail but here's where it gets interesting.  John Newman's mail goes to Kitty's house but we all know eachother via the Walnut Creek Homeless Community. 

The homeless in Walnut Creek are slowly disappearing, fading into the woodwork or perhaps they are floating in the delta like Clint Eul was found in 2002. 

What a coincidence - duh!


Incidents Chronology

Sure this isn't possible as one person said there is a system in place - only if you've got help from the anointed ones. 

The sheer number of event incidents collectively spread across many of my blog pages should be enough.

In 2004 several accidents were pretty clear attempted murders but my life was under siege from all points, the intestinal problems now very suspicious, the lack of the county hospital truly listening resulting in my near fatal medical event in November 2005.

After turning to the Contra Costa Bar for an attorney I was practically rebuffed over and over, everyone said we're not going to sue the Town of Danville or the county.  So I reached out to San Francisco Trial Lawyers where Attorney Sage Sepahi stepped up to the plate.   He agreed to represent me which would have ultimately uncovered CNET, and my personal belief that the  Danville Town Council was behind events., The Smarter Way To Buy Wireless

In 2006 Sage suddenly needed a "Geographic Relocation" but  called me one day to say that his "Attorney Withdrawal Letters" were being returned.  He fled Northern California to Southern California.  I knew had a decent case against Collins but more important is that lawsuit would have brought down CNET long ago.  I've left a trail of letters that are available via a public request.  Just ask for letters with the words "attempted murder" or "Building Inspector".

The medical challenges started late 1990's but medically nothing was suspicious via tests or exams.  Over the years I was practically living on Tums - too busy to get the doctor but when I was sick enough I'd make an appointment then I'd cancel as I'd get better.

Interesting cycle that I missed, sick, better, sick, better but  then nearly died which occurred about two weeks after the 800K policy lapsed - guess I wasn't of value any longer.  That's the cycle of the perfect circle of Fraud, Murder and Mayhem alcarte

When the boys relocated far away every weekend they'd come down sick then be fine once CPS saw them.  So if you don't test for drugs, containment's, bacteria, food poising, drugs or perhaps rat poison which are very close to the symptoms I suffered from and former Officer Tanabe lived down the road?

Numerous doctors The Contra Costa County Regional Medical Center would simply tell me to go away - once you get past the ER you get great treatment.

Event Date Description
10/02/2011 Appear in front of city council
08/04/2011 Bennett accused of attacking city worker riding lawn mower by Captain, Detective and Sergeant.
03/26/2011 Bennett arrested
07/06/2011 Bennett arrested on the way to Hillside Covenant Church
03/30/2012 Bennett relationship to Kitty revealed during call from jail
12/24/2011 Bennett spends Christmas alone without sons so he donates his time to the
07/06/2011 Bennett’s accounts compromised when adults coerce minor child into surrendering password on
04/02/2012 Bennett’s brakes sabotaged
07/20/2011 Bennett’s car totaled in Lafayette – Youth Director was constantly asking where I was going or what event I’d be singing at.
08/03/2011 Encounter police officers at 4AM watching me while I sleep in my 100% now disabled car stuck in a repair shop parking lot.
03/30/2012 Former Danville deputies recognize Bennett, place psychopath in cell – Bennett quickly determined inmate is 1) Homicidal B) has violent history C) was placed there to intimidate witness in pending cases
12/04/2011 Former Officer Stephen Tanabe named in lawsuit
12/04/2011 Gary Collins killed in fall - Police Report regarding Bennett/Collins incident handed to Chief Bryden on Nov 2nd 2011
07/09/2011 Hillside Youth Director posts messages
07/17/2011 Hillside Youth Director posts messages (Redacted)
03/30/2012 John Newman murdered -friend of Kitty Maffei
07/11/2011 Keith Richards is run over in Walnut Creek at Trader Joes
03/30/2012 Kitty posts Bennett Bail
11/11/2011 Loretta Hale dies on Mt. Diablo,
10/30/2011 Major Farmers Market incident –
11/02/2011 Relay car incident to Chief and City Manager
11/12/2011 Roma Bhatia body found on 680 – investigation open

Do you need anymore/

Walnut Creek City Manager Meeting -

A Critical Event Connected to the CNET Story

I personally knew all three persons listed beleive but the critical milestone is what occurred on Nov 2nd 2011 with Chief of Police of Walnut Creek and City Manager Ken Nordoff where documents linking certain attorneys and persons to the larger CNET Scandal were copied off. This was the first time I ever allowed the Bennett vs. Collins police report to be copied other than my attorney.  They solved that by beating him up in 2006. 

11/11/2011--Danville CA -
Loretta Hale (Divorcee), Real Estate Agent found dead on Mt Diablo – local parent from Green Valley Elementary School, a mom in Boy Scout Pack 36, had sons and lived in the area for over twenty years.  A few weeks later a curious event occured when Concord Detective Mike Rodriguiz walked into the O'Rielly Parts Store on Willow Pass Road Concord CA 94520 while I was at the counter.  It seems he was interested in the Hale incident. 

San Ramon Express 

11/12/2011-San Ramon CA -

Roma Bhatia (Divorcee, Real Estate Agent, Homeowner, Mom)
Bhatia husband is represented by Walnut Creek divorce attorney Merrick Wiesinger that is friends with several other local attorneys that are connected to the family law and probably probate cases. 

In 2009 I was going to retain Wiesinger but the day of our first meeting his office called stating that their client was murdered over the weekend in Las Vegas NA.  Apparently what I gleaned later was the spouse (losing party) drove from San Ramon to Las Vegas and went up to the motel room and ... the rest is obvious. 

Roma Bhatia SFWEEKLY

12/09/11 Gary Collins dies from injuries after fall.
Gary Vinson Collins - Danville Building Inspector who attacked Danville Resident.

07/20/2011 Pete Bennett suffers hit and run accident.  Lafayette Police refuse to investigate.  It was attempted murder just like the many other incidents over the last 20 years. 

The are at least 200 divorce cases impacted by CNET with so many divorcee cases leading back decades where one party erupts in violence.  One of the tactics destroys the other party but in my case when you have cops pulling guns on you chances are you'll end up being shot dead.  Read my 5150 Doctrine and you'll get it. 

Two Mormons Different Results

Thank You  Danville
San Ramon Valley Unified School District

 Goodbye Son

Dear Will, 

A few years ago you were aware that I nearly killed by a Danville Building Inspector but also you were knew about the truck fire.  The sad part is the day when we're heading to dump in Pleasanton back in 04/05 when that car rode up at about 90 mph.  We watched the Honda careen into the median and nearly killed us if we'd clipped any part of the car.  Then we thought wow, now I suspect but can't prove because CHP, your state senators, your attorney general and CHP legislative security team won't refer cases over to anyone. 

I am concerned that one day these people will come after you and your brother.  I've been followed by bikers, hassled by cops, arrested, jailed and beaten many times.  When Roma Bhatia was found dead just north of our accident, then another person I knew found via an alleged suicide, then worse were two plane crashes, then a few murders near me but just after we last visited my car was totaled by a San Francisco Police Officer but just like all the other investigations they never started one.  

That last hit and run was enough, when Officer Tanabe was arrested then it all made sense.  If you remember Brother Coons from the Alamo 1st Ward well he fixed my truck that fateful day of the fire, then there is Bishop Clark who was constantly in our house, then I'm concerned about your Grand Fathers Death.  It seems very odd but there are a number of out of character deaths near this ward.  When my friend Brian Schelwing died hours after service I simply left the Alamo 1st Ward but the July 20th 2011 was the defining moment that perhaps I've been targeted. 

Whatever you do don't ever let a Mormon near you.  
  • Throw out the missionaries and elders, the sisters, the brothers and all the rest
  • Tell the Bishop to leave 
  • Throw their food in the trash
  • Tell them they are full of themselves 
Maybe we'll see each other again but I can't win against so many.  I am near positive Danville officers stole my coin collection, I am near positive that the entire town council knows more but sadly the one voice now gone was Councilman Mike Shimansky who died weeks after I filed a police report.  


It's hard when your truck explodes, you're run off the road, beaten up, have cops pull guns on you, when you're in the Contra Costa Regional Medical Center with a bacterial infection that descends to near fatal, when you suddenly has chronic asthma so bad you're in the ER again and again with bizarre medical that's gone without any treatment you know the county ER missed something.  

When your attorney is beaten up, when your business gets targeted, when your customers run because they are threatened, when your former customers and clients get murdered, then this father gets arrested , then tried then Deputies tried to kill me in jail, then my brakes were sabotaged, then, the I learn the same building inspector who nearly killed me in 2004, falls and dies, right after two others from Danville both Divorcees were killed you gotta wonder as after all that I learned the Officer Tanabe was the same Danville Dad you were afraid of.  

One just happened to know former Officer Tanabe the one you don't like.

Take care wish me luck as everyone else does - just luck. 


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